Buy Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Online
Buy Lysergic Acid Diethylamide is usually taken by ingesting small tabs of paper (frequently placed under the tongue) which have been soaked in the liquid form of the drug and then dried. Doses range from 20 to 100 micrograms now, though in the 1960s they ranged from 100 to 200 micrograms. The effects of the drug begin in about 30 minutes and last up to 12 hours.
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LSD, like other hallucinogens, produces a distortion in the user’s sense of reality, including images, sounds, and sensations that do not really exist. The most common dangers of LSD result from bad trips, including terrifying thoughts and feelings, despair, fear of losing control, and fear of death.
Problems that might occur include:
- Extreme changes in behavior and mood; the person may sit or recline in a trance-like state
- Chills, irregular breathing, sweating, trembling hands
- Changes in sense of light, hearing, touch, smell, and time
- Nausea, especially in the first two hours
- Increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar
- Fatigue the next day Are there long-term consequences to taking LSD?
Some of the long-term problems associated with chronic or heavy LSD use are:
A person can experience rapidly changing feelings, immediately and long after use.
Chronic use may cause persistent problems, depression, violent behavior, anxiety, or a distorted perception of time.
Large doses may cause convulsions, coma, heart/lung failure, or ruptured blood vessels in the brain.
“Flashbacks” may occur long after use.
Is there any way to reduce the risk of having a bad trip?
Here are some ways to reduce the risk of having a bad trip:
Make sure you take it with someone you know and trust, preferably someone who knows how strong the effects of a hallucinogen can be. Make sure you are somewhere where you feel safe, secure, and comfortable. Avoid taking more.