
Euthylone, also known as  β-keto-1,3-benzodioxolyl-N-ethylbutanamine, is a compound that belongs to the family of cathinones. Euthylone is considered to be one of the best available cathinones on the market, yet there is very little data that has surfaced since its first appearance on the market around 2012. Like many research chemicals, Euthylone is an exciting research chemical to study!




Case Number: 802855-66-9

Formation: Crystalline

Formula Weight: 235.283 g·mol−1

Molecular Formula: C13H17NO3

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Lastly, you must be at least 18 years old to buy Euthylone from us. Please ensure you have read our shipping information page before placing your order of Euthylone. 

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SKU: Euthylone Crystal Category: