Buy pcp drug online. PCP (phencyclidine) has been around since the 1960s.
The most common method of using PCP is in the form of “Sherm” or “Fry” — which refers to marijuana flower or cigarettes soaked in liquid PCP.
This drug has been demonized in the media for decades, and while the effects of PCP are undeniably destructive, the reporting on dust has been largely overexaggerated.
Here, we take an unbiased look at PCP and explore the effects, risks, and history of this powerful dissociative psychedelic and its analogs.
What is PCP?
PCP (phencyclidine) is a powerful synthetic hallucinogenic and dissociative drug closely related to ketamine. It’s a member of the arylcyclohexylamine class — which contains a wide range of powerfully dissociative and psychedelic compounds.
PCP was first discovered in 1956 by Dr. Victor H. Maddox while working for Parke Davis Laboratories [1].
About a year after its discovery, it was already in use as an anesthetic during surgery under the drug name Sernyl. At first, PCP appeared to be a promising alternative to opioid-based anesthetics because it lacked the risk of respiratory depression that made opiates dangerous in high doses.
However, after just a few years, PCP was banned (1965) in medical practice due to unpredictable responses and a high risk of long-term side effects following treatment. Roughly 10–20% of patients developed delirium lasting more than 12 hours.
Ketamine replaced PCP in the early 1960s because it was safer, the effects were more predictable, and it didn’t last as long as PCP.
By the time the medical field stopped using PCP, it had already made its way onto the street. While it has never been as popular as other psychedelics, it’s still used routinely in some circles for its dissociative and euphoric effects.
As a dissociative drug, PCP works by inducing a sense of separation or detachment from the self or the environment. Its hallucinogenic and numbing effects on the body help create this feeling. Other members of this class include DXM (dextromethorphan), ketamine, nitrous oxide, methoxetamine (MXE), MK-801, and xenon gas.
What Does PCP Look Like?
Pure PCP is a fine white powder, but adulterants and contaminants are common. Most PCP has a light brown or grey color due to the presence of impurities. It’s usually sold in small plastic bags or folded up in some tinfoil.
PCP can also come dissolved in water or alcohol and is sometimes colored with dyes. Tablets and capsules are also common.
Vendors selling PCP will often charge for dipped cigarettes called “Sherm Sticks” or “Fry” — which refers to any herb material (marijuana, oregano, mint, tobacco) that’s been sprayed or dipped in liquid PCP and given time to dry.
What’s The Dose of PCP?
The effects of PCP are highly dose-dependent. Low doses are more stimulating and euphoric — high doses are much more dissociating and hallucinogenic.
What makes PCP so dangerous is the widespread lack of production standards and clandestine producers making bad PCP. The dosages for various PCP powders and liquids are all over the place — which is a problem because of the narrow dosage window for this drug.
People often aim to take a lower dose of PCP but mistakenly ingest too much — either due to an error in measuring the substance or not properly assessing its potency.
For example, dipped cigarettes can deliver substantially different doses, depending on the dilution of the liquid PCP. Doses can range from 2 to 30 mg of PCP per cigarette. One experience with a cigarette may feel manageable or even enjoyable, butut the next dose could contain two, three, or four times as much PCP — inevitably leading to a bad trip (or worse).
What Does PCP Feel Like?
In general, the effects of PCP are similar to other dissociatives like ketamine and DXM — but much more intense and unpredictable. It begins with bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, and a feeling of drunkenness and depersonalization. Users often feel like they’re sitting outside their body, watching events unfold with limited capacity for conscious control.
The PCP experience is deeply strange, confusing, and hard to describe or remember. Language is often insufficient for describing the effects of PCP with any accuracy. Trip reports often include statements like “I was walking behind myself” or “I was unaffected by time.”
PCP trip reports often include terms like floating, numbness, dreamlike states of consciousness, feelings of hostility or aggression, confusion and frustration, fear, paranoia, lack of appetite, a “speedy” sensation, insomnia, and euphoria.
PCP Drug reviews
Many people who take PCP get a feeling that they’re moving in and out of consciousness (blackouts) — each time, finding themselves in a different location or situation without any idea about how they got there or what happened along the way. This is known as “dissociative time-travel.”
Despite how common blackout experience is, PCP is only sedative in high doses, so users who have essentially “checked out” of conscious experience continue to display bizarre or erratic behavior.
Some users become hostile and angry; others become scared or depressed, and some even feel euphoric and inspired to create art or dance.
This drug’s effects on mood and emotions are completely unpredictable. Every person and every trip is entirely different. Like most psychedelics, the user’s mindset before going into the experience plays a big part in how it affects them. If people take PCP in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation, or if they take it while depressed, PCP is going to inflate these feelings many times over.
In high doses, PCP is undeniably dangerous. It produces erratic and often violent or self-destructive behavior. Seizures and dehydration become more of a risk at higher doses, and long-term side effects involving cognitive dysfunction or HPPD (hallucinogen persisting perception disorder) are also common.
How Long Does PCP Last?
PCP kicks in quickly — within seconds if smoking or injecting, minutes if snorting, or up to 45 minutes if taking orally.
The total experience can vary a lot from one user to the next. An average PCP trip lasts around 4 to 8 hours. Some people experience effects for up to 48 hours after first taking it.
PCP remains detectable in urine for two weeks, the blood for 24 hours, and the hair for 90 days.
How to use PCP
Pure PCP freebase is a fine white powder. PCP powder is use as tablets, snorted, taken orally, injected, and smoked. `Dissolving the freebase powder in alcohol or other solvents make liquid pcp.
“Sherm” is made by soaking or spraying marijuana or other herbs in liquid PCP and allowing the solvent to evaporate. It’s also common to dip cigarettes in PCP, resulting in what’s commonly referred to as a “Sherm Stick.”