Animalitos CBD Hot Spot Healing Salve is made for dogs and formulated using natural ingredients. Apply a small amount on areas your dog has been scratching or chewing. Animlitos CBD Hot Spot Salve will help cool your pets irritated skin and provide quick relief.
INGREDIENTS | Organic Coconut Oil, Organic Shea Butter, Candelila Wax, Organic Hemp Seed Oil, Organic Kukui Nut Oil, CBD Oil, Natural Vitamin E, Chamomile |
Vancouver Island – a world apart, where sea and wild mountains meet. It is here that Canada’s most passionate and independent-minded growers made their home. And it’s here they learned how to grow Canada’s best medicinal quality cannabis.
Animalitos is a trusted brand in the Canadian Cannabis industry. Check out Animalitos 150mg CBD Dog Treats.