Euthylone, also known as β-keto-1,3-benzodioxolyl-N-ethylbutanamine, is a compound that belongs to the family of cathinones. Euthylone is considered to be one of the best available cathinones on the market, yet there is very little data that has surfaced since its first appearance on the market around 2012. Like many research chemicals, Euthylone is an exciting research chemical to study!
Essentially, ‘‘Cathinone’’ is a monoamine alkaloid found in the shrub Catha edulis. Cathinone is chemically similar to cathine, ephedrine and methcathinone. It is probably the main contributor to the research results of Catha edulis, also known as khat.
This is a research chemical, meaning it is not sold for human and/or animal consumption and is only to be used for research purposes. To avoid possible complications, keep your chemical sealed whenever not in use. As always, use gloves, eye protection and a lab coat/protective clothing when handling Euthylone in any form. Lastly, always wipe down surfaces and research tools with disinfectant spray/wipes to ensure no traces are left behind! Ensure you follow lab safety protocol whilst handling this research chemical. We can suggest storing it in a dry and cool environment away from direct sunlight and possible moisture.
Disclaimer | All research chemicals on RealChems.net are sold strictly for research purposes only! None of our research chemicals are sold for human and/or animal consumption! We have a no tolerance policy on this! |