Buy Psilocybe Stuntzil Online – For Sale
Psilocybe Stuntzil Identifying Psilocybe stunts would require you to look at the cap first because this is its most distinguishable feature. This hygrophanous cap is typically dark chestnut brown but is significantly paler towards its center. Its color fades to a pale yellowish brown or pale yellow when dry. It is viscid or sticky when moist and stains greenish blue when injured or as it grows older. This cap is roughly 1cm to 2cm in diameter.
Order Psilocybe Stuntzil for Sale
Underneath the cap are the gills which are moderately broad and yellowish brown in the young specimen but progress from violet brown to blackish violet as it gets older.
Psilocybe stuntzii’s spores are dark violet brown. Under a microscope, they may appear subrhomboid in shape and subellipsoid from the side. The taste and odor of Psilocybe stunts are strongly starch-like, highly comparable to fresh, ground flour.
Despite the starchy taste, this mushroom is still edible. In fact, the best way to experience its hallucinogenic properties is by ingesting it fresh or dried. The best place to find Psilocybe stunts is in newly-mulched gardens throughout the western region of the Pacific Northwest. It can also be seen growing scattered in small groups in new lawns with fresh sod, on conifer wood chips, and on soils rich in woody debris from early August to late December
In Seattle, Washington, however, it grows all year long. This magic mushroom has also been seen in other areas such as California and as far south as Santa Cruz. There was a time, decades ago, when Psilocybe stunts is found in almost half of the newly prepared and mulched lawns. As pastures disappear from Seattle, this shroom has also declined in number. Now, this mushroom appears periodically on freshly-manicured and fertilized new lawns.
Psilocybe Stuntzii Similar Species
Psilocybe stunts share many similar features with the Galerina marginata which has led many people to mistakenly ingest the poisonous shroom expecting a psychedelic experience only to end up with a very different, dangerous experience.
Galerina marginata contains amatoxins which accumulate in the liver. As the kidney tries to filter the toxins, the tubules become damaged which leads to kidney failure. Upon ingestion, it causes severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting which last for six to nine hours.
As the toxins stay in the body for several days, it results in gastric bleeding, coma, and even death. Because of these dangers, it’s necessary to be cautious when hunting for Psilocybe stuntzii and not mistakenly ingest its toxic doppelganger, the Galerina marginata.
Psilocybin and Alcohol. Drinking alcohol results in dehydration, fatigue, and nausea. High doses of alcohol will only produce negative effects. It’s only safe to consume alcohol during the comedown phase following the ingestion of shrooms.
Psilocybin and Other Hallucinogens. Together, they will distort one’s sense of reality and perceptions resulting in disconnection and detachment from the environment and the self. The hallucinations become more realistic. Nausea, confusion, and delusions are also more intense.